Our Signature Textiles
For nearly five centuries, Indian cotton textiles dominated markets from the Mediterranean to Japan and Africa to China. More than just a product of demand, these textiles knitted continents together and paved the way for global trade and industrialisation. Printed and painted textiles from the Coromandel region were especially key in making Indian fabrics renowned worldwide. We offer a curated collection of textile panels inspired by the most iconic textiles of the 17th to 19th centuries, authentically re-created using traditional materials and methods.
Authentically Crafted
From making the dyestuffs directly from plant matter to using ancient, sometimes near-extinct plant combinations, we create these textiles and their ingredients from scratch. It’s tough work, but nothing valuable comes easy.
Yet, when you’re burning iron in charcoal on a hot summer day in Chennai, you can’t help but wish for an easier way…
These ancient textiles are more than just fabric; each pattern, motif, and weave tells a story. Created over 400 years for different continents, from emperors to slaves, they reflect many cultures, religions, wars, and political shifts. The documentation is often as fragmented as the textiles themselves, and some pieces took over six years to decode. It sounds extravagant—well, it is.
We follow ancient processes meticulously, and though it may seem lavish, the results speak for themselves. It’s a costly, time-consuming journey, but to achieve the same outcome, there’s simply no other way. Sometimes, as we follow these time-honored methods, it feels like a kind of time travel, with the spirits of the great artisans watching over us. Reassuring, isn’t it?
Our products are handcrafted to the greatest possible extent, because the soul of Coromandel textiles comes from the passion and expertise of the artisans who created them. End of the day, it’s their skill and dedication that truly make all the difference, right?